
Living Building Exterior ( virtual display )

555 KUBIK_ extended version from urbanscreen on Vimeo.


Dollfie Links I want to take note of




Nice purple shirt

Agua De Beber - Quarteto Em Cy

Agua De Beber - Quarteto Em Cy

An inspired acapella introduction. Very well done.


I now look like a gothie all right

Suffering from a sub-conjuntival haemorrhage


really gothie-looking

More tongue-clucking - Entrepreneurial Immorality

"Kleiner-Backed Terralliance Sues Ex-CEO Olson For IP Misuse"

Tut tut tut tut

I could find links of similar greed expose ("ex-poh-says" sorry I don't have the keyboard nor the font to type that special e letter) all day.

There are so many being reported, among the millions of schemes which go undetected / unreported.

Scams and schemers - in Japan

I thought there were millions of scams like these around Asia, but to have them in Japan - tut tut tut tut.


getting more beautiful

"FOR the female half of the population, it may bring a satisfied smile. Scientists have found that evolution is driving women to become ever more beautiful, while men remain as aesthetically unappealing as their caveman ancestors."

Cross-post becos.

Amusingly interesting Japanese goods

OK OK you got me for girl dolls !!!

ack - Japanese Anime Cute, with interchangeable character clothing and accessories !!!


and here:



Viewsonic LCD monitor with a samsung base ?

I just bought a viewsonic LCD monitor.

I noticed while attaching the base to the screen that the word "Samsung" is printed onto a part of the base underside.



Quincy Jones - On the Street Where You Live

Really surprising mix of samba marching-band style with solo saxaphone jazz club style. Phew. And those typical ascending fourth note series - Quincy Jones all the way.

NHK Pacific Ocean live: Solar Eclipse

Live NHK feed from a boat in the Pacific Ocean. Very clear skies, total darkness, and weird orange light all around the horizon. Stars visible. Light before and after the total eclipse was dim, although out in the wide open Pacific under clear skies.

Watch CCTV4 for the solar eclipse live

The live solar eclipse was broadcast over CCTV4 and the feed was from AnHui.

It was dark as night in the city.

The corona was clearly observable for a couple of minutes.

Now switching to Taiwan.

Not Fair - pouring rain, nullified eclipse

Bah !!!

It is raining buckets. I can't tell if the dim light is because of the tropical squall or whether it's the solar eclipse.

solar eclipse 22 July 2009

Well it is 0425 hrs local time which is +8 hours GMT.

I am now at 103º48´ East of Greenwich.

There was a strong wind with smokey smells 1.5 hours earlier ( Approx 0700 hrs local time ) followed by brief rain.

Right now, the sky is overcast, and the light appears dim, somewhat like sunrise on a cloudy morning.

expected window of eclipse at my destination =
08:40:51 to 09:43:55 in the morning

Nice writing ethos

refreshing style for a tech article

argh - can we taser them ?


Blue Banana... ahem

well yes, edible too


Mathematicians and Libel

Not completely thought through, but forms a good starting point from which to discuss the topic. See my tags for this post to get a flavour of what the topic is.



My daily real life blogging starts here and now.

My manga-style 3D story series has infested my previous life-blog

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