

Hands-On Experience "Japanese Paper Washi-Making" by japanstyle

Scientists report breakthrough in seaweed

Scientists report breakthrough in seaweed

Let's see how long this takes to reach consumer markets, if at all.

Firewood ash at Nihonmatsu homes found to contain high levels of radioactive cesium ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

Firewood ash at Nihonmatsu homes found to contain high levels of radioactive cesium ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion

It doesn't matter whether the firewood had been kept indoors or outdoors. Nuclear radiation pass through anything that permits it to, so things inside the house can also be irradiated and become radioactive.


eNets domain renewal failure / POSBank hacking ??

Did the eNets domain renewal failure open a window of opportunity for unauthorised access to DBS / POSBank accounts ?

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